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Some key figures...


conversion rates

Thanks to the personalization of your campaigns



Thanks to A/B testing, don’t overlook this practice that can bring significant returns


conversion rates

For emails that include GIFs


click-trough rates

If your emails are built with responsive code

Email marketing: a reference for CRM strategists

With an average ROI of $36 for every dollar spent, email marketing is not just profitable; it is prodigiously lucrative.

Considered by 55% of consumers as their preferred type of business communication, email is more than just a communication channel; it is a gateway to the customer, their mind, and their needs.

In this context, The 2024 Email Best Practices Guide aims to be a compass for campaign creators. Crafted by our experts and illustrated with the best client campaigns from Dartagnan Email Builder, this guide will provide practical advice, insightful analyses, and design tips to maximize your performance.