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Under Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, on confidence in the digital economy, users of the website are informed about the identity of the various contributors involved in its creation and maintenance.
Publisher / Owner of the website:
SAS JustRelate France
71 Rue Pierre Mauroy 59800 Lille
Phone: +33-3 20 70 35 67
VAT-ID: FR59791 883 119
Registered company: Lille Metropole B 791 883 119
Publication Directors: Bernd Völcker (Président), Thomas Leroy (Directeur Général), Nicolas Guillen (Directeur Général), Nico Schulte (Directeur Général)
Website Development:
Graphic design, design, and development: JustRelate Group
Data Protection Officer (DPO):
Viviane Gelles,
SAS JustRelate France owns the intellectual property rights and holds the rights to all elements accessible on the Site, including texts, images, graphics, logos, videos, architecture, and icons. JustRelate France is also the holder of the following registered French trademarks:
– No. 4135096 filed on 19/11/2014 in class 42
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SAS JustRelate France strives to provide accurate and precise information on its site. However, the information disseminated on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not contractual. SAS JustRelate France cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, or completeness of the information provided on this site. Consequently, SAS JustRelate France disclaims all responsibility:
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SAS JustRelate France disclaims all responsibility for incorrect content accessible from the hyperlinks present on its site.
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